Our HR Practices

We Treat Our Employees As Real People
We only invite those who are compatible with our HR policy to work with us. Potential employees should possess required soft and hard skills required of the vacant positions they are applying to. They should also be creative, be team players, and be life-long learners. We hire in line with our annual business plan immediate needs. We give priority to those who already work for us before we look outside the company.
We assess applicants based on whether or not they meet what is required of the position they are applying for. The evaluation process varies from position to position. Our HR Department and related departments conducts all interviews, assessments, and reference checks. If all three stages come out positive, we then offer the prospective employee the job. We regularly post job vacancies internally as well as on career portals and Imes Industrial Site boards.
Training & Development
Through various training opportunities, we aim to broaden our employees’ skill sets, which allows them to work more effectively and assume other positions down the road. We want to improve how they do business and refine their skills.
We first place our new employees in an orientation program to enlighten them about our corporate culture and values. We want them to get to know Gamak Motor in order to develop mutual trust and motivate them. We encourage life-long learning—the key to superior performance and success-through various development activities.
We want all of our training opportunities to contribute to our employee’s professional development and to support their career plan. In doing this, we consider both the requirements of their job(s) and their skill sets. We also offer them the chance to do a Master’s Degree.
Internship Opportunities
Any student wishing to intern with us can do so by filling out an application either in person or via our website. We group applications based on where the student wishes to intern. Our HR Department maintains an internship quota, and selects candidates based on that quota as well as on what we are seeking in terms of skill sets, foreign language proficiency, and computer experience. Feel free to send us your CV at ik@gamak.com.
Social Activities
We’ve created a environment-friendly, aesthetic, and respectful work environment for all of our employees. All of our workspaces have recreation areas for them to unwind. Together with the Tema Foundation, we also plant trees in honor of both our new and our deceased employees. We also throw annual picnics and gatherings..